With a house as old as ours (180 years), is it any surprise that we have the option to have wood heat?!? Although we have "real" furnace, and a fireplace in the living room (and a few behind walls)... last November we added a wood stove in the family room, using an existing, newly clay-lined chimney. We did this for three reasons: 1) we like the warmth of wood heat, 2) a wood stove is more efficient than a fireplace, and 3) although the previous occupants claimed they used the fireplace often without incident, the extinguisher on the hearth at closing did not inspire confidence in its safe operation.
But, I digress... So, this weekend was absolutely gorgeous, and we started to cut up some of the dead trees around our yard! Pete did the more involved parts of the project: cutting, and splitting the logs. I mostly picked up sticks, transported the logs, and stacked the finished project. Although I do not think we have enough wood to last the winter at this time, it felt good to clean up the yard and get a start on our wood supply!
A nice pile of wood is a cozy sight
I already just commented, but wanted to share the excitement of wood heat...This past spring we put a woodstove in our living rm. also. We are just loving the cozy atmosphere it brings!
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